"The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense." Proverbs 27:9
I used the New Living Translation for my Scripture photo today, but I also appreciate the wording in the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
"Oil and incense bring joy to the heart, and the sweetness of a friend is better than self-counsel." Proverbs 27:9
Sometimes the perspective of a friend is just what we need to get us back on track. And knowing that we can count on the godly advice of a solid Christian friend is truly something to cherish.
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I praise God for my friends like this. Awesome picture & Scripture! Love it. Happy WFW!
I WANT that one in a magnet!! What a perfect image and verse...it would make such an adorable gift with a little bouquet of flowers!! LOVE it!!!
How you feeling????
What a beautiful truth! Thanks for sharing today.
This is really good and true! Beautiful pic!
okay i love love this one! it's soooo beautifully springy and it's so true! Amen!!
(and ya! I can't wait for your little one to come!!)
Friend ARE such a blessing from God! Love this picture.
Happy WFW!
This remind of the scripture in Proverbs...A Friend will love at all times." Beautiful picture of the flower. Your choice of scripture is just the right touch!!Happy WFW!!
wonderful!! true friends are a precious find.
Perfect. I'm so blessed to have one friend whose heartfelt counsel is as sweet as perfume and incense. She always knows the right thing to say.
What a beautiful picture. I've printed this out (since I just got color ink in my printer again). Thank you for sharing.
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