"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
your love, O LORD, endures forever - do not abandon the works of your hands." Psalm 138:8
I was dwelling on this verse this morning and thinking about what a wonderful promise we have been given! Then I realized that this verse used LORD, all caps, versus Lord. I remembered from our last women's Bible study that there was a difference between the two spellings, so I looked it up.
When we see LORD, it means Yahweh or Jehovah, "I am who I am." It denotes God's personal name and his eternality. It is often used in relationship to God as redeemer and covenant keeper.
In the midst of life's ups and downs, it blessed me to know that it is the LORD, my redeemer and covenant keeper, that promised to fulfill his purpose for me! Even when our situation looks like it is meaningless, God promises us that he has a purpose.
For more inspiring Word Filled Wednesday, visit Amy
beautiful image. Happy WFW!!
That was just awesome. THank you for sharing the verse and your thoughts. Thank you also for stopping by my blog today.
Oh my goodness!!! I shared this verse with someone just last night! It's been rolling around in my spirit for weeks. Thanks for sharing it - it's confirmation! And thank you for your comments on my blog. Blessings to you,
OH YES HE will! In HIS time....but you were made for such a time as this!
I really like this one....it would look so pretty printed out and put in a black frame...just may have to do that!!
peace..and prayers!
his Love does endure.. oh how amazing is that!
Beautiful promises and reassurance from the LORD. Blessings!
Blessings Rebecca...May His PURPOSE
be fulfilled for you, for His Love endures forever and GREAT is His Love! Thank You, Lord! Thanks Rebecca for your words to enrich this WORD of the LORD! Your daughters are beautiful & His aMazing Love covers them & ALL in your household! May His promises & reassurance hold you closely & complete ALL the good He has begun in you as you rest in Him & trust!
Bless you and HOPE you enjoyed WFW
Wow, I love that!!!! Spoke right to me, thanks!! I'm off now to go find that verse. Be Blessed, Robin
Beautiful scripture and your words are so true, I'm so glad that God promises us that He has a purpose! I'm so glad that He is a covenant keeper!
I wanted to thank-you for your sweet comments on my blog. For your spoken hope that brings my heart such joy, even if it wasn't meant for now.
Big hugs.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful promise. I'm glad everything is ok with the baby.. blessings to you this weekend.
Amen. First time visitor, you have such a beautiful blog.
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